4 Mar – 4 Jul 2020
Susina Bistrò
Via Chiana, 87A
Gen 2020
Clivo Bistrot
Clivo Rutario, 63
Apr – Ott 2019
Lama di Luna
Bio Masseria and Art Gallery
Andria, Apulia – Italy
Feb – Mar 2019
Susina Bistrò
Via Chiana, 87A – Rome
Sett – Ott 2018
Lama di Luna
Bio Masseria and Art Gallery
Andria, Apulia – Italy
Giu – Sett 2018
Via Acciaioli, 13 – Rome
What happens when a word, a place, a gesture, a sound, a look, but also a book, a film, a color make you vibrate exactly like a leaf suspended in the air cause of its light. Like the air. They make you vibrate without control. Because all our control is nothing but an illusion. The true illusion.
And if behind or in front of that word, that place, that gesture, that sound, that look, that book, that film, that color, or all around till it touches you, till it merges with you … were there frequencies? What if the frequencies themselves were our nature? And … if they showed us the way?
But above all what happens when I ignore them, when I label them as “fantasy” instead of having the courage to see that maybe they are real?
But if I do not ignore them … a dance begins … a dance that takes me by the arm and leads me back and forth, up and down. And if I want (as I want) to find a mystical sense (because I admit that my mind still needs to find the senses) PAINTING for me is exactly this dance … a dance that makes me go down to the material and then go up to the thin and come back. A Tango perhaps, that tenderly transmutes and then suddenly becomes (for me suddenly, because YOU have always been so, generous) a way to discover something about me every time. No, not the result, which I often admit moves me, is my priority, but just the PAINTING. The Gesture, the Action itself, the Action that starts from a … FREQUENCY.